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Creative Community SBTV, Marie Schoeff is interviewed by David Starkey.


MARIE SCHOEFF - Amplifying the Between, Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, 2022, exhibition catalogue, Introduction by Dr. Judy L. Larson; essays by David Pagel and Nancy Doll.


Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, Marie Schoeff discusses her artwork in her 40-year retrospective exhibition "Amplifying the Between".

MARIE SCHOEFF - Artist's Lecture during the retrospective exhibition "Amplifying the Between", 60 mins.,

Behind the Scenes:

Part I - Between Ordinary, 6:16 mins.,

Part II - The Day Prints, 6:27 mins.,

Part III - M to Me to Mine, 8:31 mins.,


Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, Marie Schoeff discusses her work in the exhibition, "Contemporary Art From the Permanent Collection",


Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, Marie Schoeff interviews Meagan Stirling for the exhibition "Matter+Spirit".


Creative Community SBTV, 2.0 episode 8, Marie Schoeff is Interviewed by David Starkey,


Santa Barbara Museum of Art Audio Tour: Marie Schoeff discusses her drawings in the "Summer Nocturne: Works on Paper from the 1970s" exhibition.

Transpositions (online publication), Making and Reflecting in Community: Three                         Artists Discuss the Power of Residency, November 2018, by Andrew Baker,


The Independent (Santa Barbara), “Summer Nocturne”, June 28, 2018, p.47, C. Donelan

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, ”Thicker Than Paper”,  pp 11-12, July 6, 2018,

Joseph Woodard.


Sullivan Goss Gallery, "The Art of Santa Barbara 1875 -- 2016", Audio Tour with Jeremy Tessmer,


The Independent (Santa Barbara), "The Little Ones...”, Oct 30, 2014, p.57, C.Donelan

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, ”Teaching by Artful....”, p 43, Sep 19-25, 2014, J. Woodard.



Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, ”Ways & Means of the Spirit…”, p 47, Aug 30, 2013,

    Joseph Woodard

The Independent (Santa Barbara), “Digital Halos”, Sep 12, 2013, p.55, C.Donelan

art ltd., May/Jun 2013, “Spotlight: Santa Barbara”, p 59.

ArtScene, “Tapping the Third Realm”, Nov 2012, p 17-18

KCET Artbound, “Tapping the Third Realm”, Nov 22, 1013, Tyler Stallings

Santa Barbara Magazine, Spring 2013, “Cool Collaboration”, p 76.   

Santa Barbara Magazine,The Best of 2013”, Special Issue, p 63.



Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, “Ghostly Echoes….”, Jan 13, 2012, p 46, J.Woodard.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), Jan 19, 2012, “Whorled Without End”, p 48.


Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”,`, Oct 14, 2011,p 46, J.Woodard

The Independent (Santa Barbara), “Married to the Muse”, Dec 1, 2011, p 53.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, “Art Under Shared Roofs”, Nov 25, 2011, p 45, J.Woodard

The Permanent Collection, Westmont Museum of Art, Catalogue, p 23.

CASA Magazine, “Double Trouble…”, Dec 2011, p 21.

Montecito Journal, “Arts Fund Gallery Celebrates 10 Years”, Dec 1, 2011, p 31.

CASA Magazine, “Few Chosen By Many…”, Aug 26 2011, p 21



CASA Magazine, “Art Faculty Biennial…”, Aug 20, 2010, p 19.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), Aug 12, 2010, “Art on the Eastside”, p 65.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), Aug 19, 2010, “Lasing Impressions”, p 51

The Independent (Santa Barbara), special insert, 7/1/ 2010, SBCo.ArtsCommission              

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, “Printmakers’ Field Day”, Jun 25, 2010, p 48.



The Independent (Santa Barbara), Nov 19, 2009, “Individuals Together”, p 59.   

art ltd., July 2009 issue, “Neighbors…”,

Santa Barbara News-Press, Oct 16, 2009, “Lines in the chain…”by Josef Woodard.



“The Berkus Family Art Collection”, catalogue, copyright 2006 Santa Barbara County Arts Commission, pg. 57.

Santa Barbara News-Press “Scene”, “ ’Til death do they part”,11/17/06, pg. 5

KCBX, radio interview,“Ears On Art", airdate, 11/8/06:


 Santa Barbara News-Press “Scene”, “Teaching by Example”, September 16, 2006.

Santa Barbara Seasons, Spring 2006, pg. 45. Santa Barbara News-Press, “Easter 2006”, April 16, 2006, front page & pg. A16.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Channing…Berkus Collection”, 3/18 (or 19?) /2006.  

Santa Barbara News-Press, “25 yrs. Of S.B.   Contemporary Art…”, pgs. 3, 4.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, “A Collection of Wonder”, 3/31/06, pps. 7,12.

Casa Magazine, January 13, 2006, pg. 23.

Channel 21, TV interview w/David Starkey, “Creative Community…”, Jan 20, 2006.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, ‘Finding Inspiration…”, Jan 1, 2006, D12.



Santa Barbara News-Press “Scene”, “Imaginary Flora”, December 9, 2005, pg. 23.                         

Casa Magazine, “Figure Obscured” – Interview by Rita Ferri, December 2, 2005.

Santa Barbara Seasons, Fall 2005, Vol. LI #3, pg. 69-75.



Santa Barbara News-Press, Letters to the Editor, May 8, 2004.



Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, September 12, 2003, pg. 13.



Santa Barbara News-Press, September 19, 2002, pg. D6, “Many Angles”.



The Independent (Santa Barbara), October 18, 2001, “Remembering Hell”.

Santa Barbara News Press, December 21, 2001, pg. A1, A14.



The Independent (Santa Barbara), September 7, 2000, pg. 49.



The Independent (Santa Barbara), December 3, 1999, “Angels Take Flight”.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), September 14, 1999.



Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, September 12, 1997, pg. 12.



Santa Barbara News-Press, October 18, 1996, pg. 1.       



Five Cities Times-Press Recorder, (Arroyo Grande), June 23, 1995, pg. 2B.            

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, June 30, 1995, pg. 11

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, January 6, 1995, pg. 12-13.

Santa Barbara News-Press, February 13, 1995, pg. B5.    



Bay News, San Luis Obispo, March 11, 1994.

Five Cities Times-Press Recorder, (Arroyo Grande), March 11, 1994.

The Cuestonian, San Luis Obispo College, March 15, 1994, pg. 12.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), December 15, 1994, pg. 64.

Santa Barbara News-Press, December 18, 1994, “Scene”

Santa Barbara News-Press, December 22, 1994, pg. 35.



“Visions”, Spring 1993, pg. 59.

“New Art Examiner”, Summer 1993, pg. 39.

Santa Barbara News-Press, June 18, 1993, pg. 23.

Santa Barbara News-Press, September 3, 1993, pg. 28.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), December 16, 1993, pg. 53.



“Bold Strokes and Quiet Gestures, 20th Century Drawings and Watercolors From the Santa Barbara Museum of Art,” 1992; Exhibits USA, Mid-America Arts Alliance, catalogue, pg. 44.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, November 6, 1992, pp. 31-32.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), October 29, 1992, pg. 32.

Metro (Santa Barbara), October 29, 1992, pg. 26.

Los Angeles Times, Ventura County Edition, December 17, 1992, pg. J16.



“The First Decade - A Celebration of the MFA Program 1981-1991”, Hunter College, catalogue, pg. 77.

Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, June 7, 1991, pp. 27-28.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), June 6, 1991, pg. 28.



The Orange County Register (California), December 13, 1990, pg. K2.

Westart, December 14, 1990, pg. 4.

L.A. Weekly (California), August 10, 1990, “Art Pick of the Week”, Peter Frank.

L.A. Weekly (California), April 20, 1990, p128, “Art Pick of the Week”, Peter Frank.

Artweek, April 19, 1990, pg. 12, Margaret Lazzari.

The Independent (Santa Barbara), April 19, 1990, pg. 35, Josef Woodard.

Santa Barbara News-Press, April 13, 1990, pg. 26. Joan Crowder.



Santa Barbara News-Press, “Scene”, April 28, 1989, pg. 22, Joan Crowder.



Artweek, March 26, 1988, pg. 6, Michael Leonard.



Santa Barbara News-Press, October 16, 1986, pg. C-23, Josef Woodard.

The Weekly (Santa Barbara), October 28, 1986, pg. 25. Carrie Radlo.



“Competition,” catalogue, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, 1984.

Santa Barbara News-Press, October 18, 1984, pg. C-32, Joan Crowder.

News and Review (Santa Barbara), October 2, 1984, Pg. 1B.



“Appearances” (New York), No. 8, December 1982, pp. 22-23.



Sacramento Bee (California), Scene, November 20, 1977, pg. 4.












© 2024 Marie Schoeff

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